A qualificação de surdos para o trabalho e o significativo papel da linguagem.




This study is searching for a program that seeks qualifying deaf young people for working in an organization of direct sales, in Salvador. The goal is to identify and analyze the permanent elements of the teaching practice of this qualification, also means a process of teaching and learning designed for deaf people. Adopting on this one the study of the case, the investigation had one non-profit association as a research source that develops, with the professional qualification program, especially for the deaf population. As part of this study, a group of 16 students of the program mentioned before, and as informers 6 technicians of an association that develops all sorts of actions with the deaf community, aside of 3 associates of the company involved with qualification. In order to reach that goal a partnership was created aside of the human resources that made it possible to happen, started the parts of the development of this qualifications and it was created a profile of the people identifying the perception about the process of teaching and learning for the work. As sources of research, documents from the association, observations from a few parts of the program and interviews with patients. The analysis of all that confronted the material collected in the field, theory and bibliography, organized in 2 parts: first treating the aspects of deaf as of character, and questions involving educations of the deaf, the concept of inclusion and some references of studies about language affecting the mental process bringing up becoming concept in the deaf. Taken as extra help theories from Vigotsky (1995), researches Goldfeld (1997), Botelho (1998), e Fernandes (2000) and some analysis from theory of Sacks (1998) and Coll, Palacios &Marchesi (1995). The second part treated qualifications and competent concepts, history of work, and also qualifications of people with some kind of deficiency especially the deaf. References based on theory about these themes were taken from Zarifian (2001), Hirata (1997), Skliar (1998), Petrilli (2000), Del-Masso (2000), Miranda (2000) and texts from Klein (1998), Carmo (2001) e Batista (1997). The conclusive analysis of the results identified that, although the program still in study may had adopted some methodological references for the process of qualification of the deaf, a lot of deaf people did not show the necessary competency required developing their professional duties. That probably happened because of the non-appropriated concept of the activities. The analysis pointed to a redefinition of some strategies and qualification of the people that would be working with the deaf. Finally, the study revealed the part of the process that needs extra attention would be the language of the deaf in the learning and teaching time, assuring that would be key to the success of the whole thing.


educacao inclusão inclusion trabalho surdos processos mentais mental process linguagem qualifications of the deaf work qualificação de surdos deaf language

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