A racionalidade da mercantilização da doença / The rationale for the commercialization of disease




A debate on a new form of relation between industry and disease is started during the 90s in English speaking countries. The new phenomenon in question was then called disease mongering, whose basic industry strategy was to expand disease boundaries in order to grow its consumer market. In the 2000s, publications widen the debate on such phenomenon and discuss how alliances between drug industry and government, doctors and the scientific community are formed, strengthening conceptions about diseases which promote treatment sale. I aim to discuss such phenomenon through its articulation with three conceptions: drug rational use, medicalization and technical rationality. The first one defines the criteria for drug rational use and verifies if the disease mongering phenomenon promotes an independent or a close relationship with such criteria. The second one establishes the relation between disease mongering and society medicalization from data provided by the debate itself, which defines disease mongering as a way of medicalization. The third one goes deep into what the basis of the disease mongering phenomenon is: logical overlapping, especially that of mercantile logic over sanitary logic. Thus, this study promotes a reflection on the theoretical references that assess technical rationality, especially Marcuse and Horkheimers critical tradition. In the root of such formulations there are Lukács reification concept, and Marxs concept of goods fetishism. Such theoretical references allow discussing the sense and the reach of logical overlapping underlying disease mongering. The results of this research show that disease mongering tends to progressively misrepresent the established parameters for URM and reinforce society medicalization. In this process, technical rationality reshapes medical practice and knowledge. Disease mongering also allows analyzing the economical colonization of other society spheres, such as education, politics and science, making it possible for the economical sphere to colonize the health system in the contemporary society.


drug policy medicamentos assistência farmacêutica mercantilização pharmaceutical care política de medicamentos vigilância sanitária health surveillance drugs commodification

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