A RegulamentaÃÃo do Trabalho Docente no Estado do Cearà na interface PÃblico/Privado (1942/1962). / The regulation of the teaching work in the State of Cearà in the public/private interface (1942-1962).




The present thesis concerns the process of regulation of the teaching work in the State of CearÃ, during the period from 1942 through 1962, in primary and secondary schools of both public and private network. The analysis has as the main focus the constitution of teaching in the ambit of the public sphere, that is, we investigated the way teaching constitutes itself publicly as a profession concerning the new educational reforms of nationalization of the Brazilian teaching system. Thus, we have approached questions related to the professionalism of the teaching activity under the angle of the public/private relations. It was used, as main sources, the educational legislation both federal and from the state, local newspapers and interviews with teachers who have worked in this area in the period investigated in this project. Among the conclusions, we have noted the foot that the regulation of the teaching work, by means of decrees, laws etc, has presented, occasionally, ambiguities and various contradictions, which had their origin in the influences of the private world (of close relatives, politicians and friends). In this sense, the educational politics presented, a more private than public face, whose economic and politic-electoral interests, with a great participation of the Catholic Church, penetrated the public sphere, as the example of the official financing of private schools, the customer activity and the politic favoritism in the magistrate.


professores de ensino primÃrio - salÃrios,etc. - cearà - 1942-1962 public sphere professores de ensino primÃrio - cearà - atitudes - 1942-1962 trabalho docente polÃtica e educaÃÃo - cearà - 1942-1962 esfera pÃblica teaching work escolas particulares - cearà - 1942-1962 professores de ensino secundÃrio - cearà - atitudes - 1942-1962 professores de ensino secundÃrio - cearà - condiÃÃes sociais - 1942-1962 professores de ensino secundÃrio - salÃrios,etc. - cearà - 1942-1962 profissionalizaÃÃo professionalism educational politic escolas pÃblicas - cearà - 1942-1962 professores de ensino primÃrio - cearà - condiÃÃes sociais - 1942-1962 educacao polÃtica educacional ajuda governamental Ãs escolas particulares - cearà - 1942-1962

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