A relação entre processo criativo e sistemas construtivos em arquitetura: um estudo de caso




This research starts with the verification of the dichotomy existing nowadays between two related fields: architectural project and civil engineering. In Belo Horizonte, Brazil, the civil engineering market has seen the outcome of a new constructive system. This research intends to study this new systems possibilities in building new creative approaches for architectural expression. After a short analysis of the historical liaisons between constructive systems and architecture, the research presents and evaluates two groups of objects: The first is a group of existing buildings in the city (Belo Horizonte), and the second is a group of projects designed by architecture students at the Escola de Arquitetura da UFMG (Minas Gerais State University - School of Architecture). The designs conditioners observed at the second group were similar to those on the first group. The main difference between the two groups of conditioners was the constructive system: The first group of buildings has been erected through the traditional system; meanwhile, the designers at the second group have been asked to create their projects with the use of the new constructive system. The comparison between the two groups has pointed out to the fact that the projects designed with the new constructive system have not been able to bring about new creative approaches articulated through the consideration of the new constructive system proposed. Arriving at that point, there has been a search for reasons to explain that conclusion. The analysis procedures have come to defining three basic design attitudes. On the first case, which we name basic solution, the buildings shape and its creative research are not important for the professional, as he or she is more involved in solving pragmatic aspects of the project. The second attitude, named here as idealized authorship, shows a search for expression of the authors own subjective world through his or her design. The buildings of the first group show both attitudes. The third attitude, which we call here catalysis solution, is defined by exploring the expressive potential of the shapes objective conditioners being the constructive system one of those conditioners. The designs at the second group are going towards the actual use of the second and third attitudes.


arquitetura teses.

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