A ressurgência de classes de equivalência e os efeitos da opção de resposta default




Since initial studies, in 1980 decade several researches were carried through on the Behavior Analysis field with the objective of investigating this subject. The results of these researches are conflicting and generate implications as much practical, as for the theoretical definition of the resurgence concept. An important question related to the studies of resurgence with human beings concerns the difficult to come up with an experimental condition in which alternative options of those arranged by the experimenter could be presented. An alternative to this problem is the inclusion of the default option, which would correspond to the answer ?I don?t know? or ?none of the alternatives?. Based on the analysis of these researches results, this study aimed to investigate the resurgence of equivalence classes previously trained after the extinction and punishment of the responses which were delayed trained. It also had as objective the investigation of the effects of default option on the responses of the participants. Twenty?four students were selected for the study and randomically distributed into four groups: Extinction without Default Option (EsRD), Extinction with Default Option (ERD), Punishment without Default Option (PsRD) and Punishment with Default Option (PRD). Depending on the group the participants integrated they were submitted to the extinction or punishment procedures. In one of the extinction groups, and in one of the punishment groups the default option was available. The results revealed that the participants of the extinction groups maintained a high percentage of responses which were consistent with the delayed training. On punishment groups, the results revealed that the participants started to present more than 50% of responses consistently with the previous training, after the punishment of the responses of the delayed training. Most of the participants of both groups that had the default option available haven?t chosen it. So, comparing the results of groups PsRD e PRD e EsRD e ERD it was observed that they were similar. It was also analyzed the number of responses which were consistent with the previous training, by the kind of relation (baseline, symmetry, transitivity and symetrical-transitivity) during the punishment and extinction procedures. The results revealed that there weren?t differences concerning the resurgence, in function of the kind of response. These results evidence the necessity of discussions about the extinction procedures employed on the studies of this area and of more studies destined to investigate the variables which are involved on the reversion of equivalence classes, or the effects of the default option inclusion in resurgence studies.


comportamento - avaliação punição (psicologia) behavioral evaluation punishment (psychology)

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