A revista Estudos Sociais e a experiencia de um marxismo criador




This dissertation presents a study about the importance of the magazine called Estudos Sociais (Social Studies) (1958 - 1964) within a renovation process of the Marxist thought, showing its contribution to it. The magazine was created by the Brazilian Communist Party during a period of changes and it aimed to break the dogmatism that characterized the party s cultural politics until the Stalinism crisis in 1956. This way, presenting itself as a model of a press different IX from the previous communist publications, in which translations of soviet texts and documents were predominant, Estudos Sociais comes with a more theoretical profile being a place for the publications of studies which reflect the Brazilian reality. The magazine sought to open itself for contributions of non-communist intellectuals connected to the national-democratic movement. In spite of the difficulties and limitations, Estudos Sociais was a place for the production and systematization ofthe communist thought between 1958 and 1964


intelectuais cultura comunismo

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