A roda de conversa e o processo civilizador




This study concerns the investigation of the circle of conversation as an educational practice, just as it comes in a specific moment in the time, and also the norms and rules of corporal contention that emerge from it. By means of what is visible in the gestures and in the body of the participants of the circle. I could observe in a smaller scale the signs and the marks that an educational practice printed in the participants of this "small" Civilizing Process that constitutes the circle. It is an imitation of that larger process, that is to say, where the children practice and they are educated for the social relationships that demand a large self-control, that the children apprehend first through external contentions of body and of speech. The practice of the circle facilitates its participants to exercise a group of necessary human abilities to the understanding and interpretation of the society, later on could use them to act on her, in the search of an active participation for the construction of a society indeed democratic


professores e alunos ambiente de sala de aula dialogo

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