A roda dos bordados da formação: o que bordam as professoras de química nas histórias de sala de aula? / The wheel of education embroideries: what mbroider the teachers of chemistry in the class stories?


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study introduces the Education Embroideries which resulted from the stories collected in the classes of six experienced Chemistry teachers in Elementary School. These teachers embroidered their class stories while they were taking part in a teacher education program, the Programa Institucional de Bolsa Iniciação à Docência (PIBID), which has been carried out at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, in Rio Grande, RS, Brazil. The analysis of each embroidery piece was based on Burkes dramatism quintet which enabled me to look at the scene (when and where the story happened), the cast (who the characters are), the act (what was narrated), the purpose (why this story was narrated) and the tool (how this story was narrated) of forty eight class stories. The analysis also enabled me to perceive that some teachers had the same reason 3 when they were embroidering their education, even though their color shades and stitches were different. According to Burkes dramatism quintet, these are the different scenes, the cast and the act that shape the Education mbroideries. Therefore, I developed an exercise in which I put together the stories which had the same reason. The Education Embroideries that emerged from the analysis were: chain stitch: embroidering the first stories in the Education Wheel; tent stitch: the embroidery of a situation-problem in the light of STS; plaited stitch: the teachers education process and the student-teacher; hem stitch: time I have to carry out experimental activities; cross stitch: the teachers dilemmas and questioning; double cross stitch: embroidering oneself on another teacher; interwoven stitch: the class embroidered on planning and evaluating 4. These seven Education Embroideries enabled me to construct arguments to defend writing stories in Education Wheels as a tool for continuing teacher education. The Education Embroideries embroider the Wheel Embroidery, the importance of continuing teacher education programs (in which writing class stories enabled the teacher to narrate her constitution in her profession), dilemmas regarding evaluation, and the partnership with student-teachers who triggered the following learning experiences: what it means to be an advisor, collective planning and the possibility of developing experimental activities. The stories show themes that need to be problematized in the Education Wheels, such as disabled students in Chemistry classes, the substitute teacher that replaces teachers who do not show up at school or are taking some days off and the importance of silence in class and in study areas. Therefore, I have defended the mportance of written narrative in Education Wheels; stories must be problematized, read, talked about and rewritten in the Wheel. Narrative is an educational tool which enables teachers to perceive they are part of the Wheel by writing and giving meaning to their experiences in their stories; thus, these stories may become public and trigger other stories and other Education mbroideries.


rodas de formação histórias de sala de aula formação de professores educacao class stories education wheels teacher education

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