"A segmentação de clientes em bibliotecas" / Client segmentation in libraries




The study is a systematization of the subject Client Segmentation used in libraries. Its aim is to demonstrate how the Client Segmentation contributes to an effective Marketing management in library, promoting the development of products, Marketing actions and leveraging their results. This is a two parts study: the first, a bibliographic review to identify different Segmentation categories either in Marketing as well as in libraries, there are also international cases with this segmentation strategy applied to libraries; the second part is to show how the strategy of Segmentation and the steps taken before its application can contribute to make the library products and its services to be successful. To demonstrate how this can be achieved, a management model, developed by Professor Mitsuru Yanaze, was used and transposed to simulate a management situation in a Marketing corporate library. This hypothetical situation contributed to contextualize Segmentation strategy in management process, which can help librarians to better understand its benefits. Furthermore, this study helped to explain that Marketing differs from promotion; usually mistaken as synonyms.


marketing libraries marketing segmentation marketing de bibliotecas segmentação de mercado

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