A Short 5'-Flanking Region Mediates Glucose Repression of Amylase Gene Expression in Drosophila Melanogaster


Expression of the α-amylase gene is highly repressed by dietary glucose in Drosophila melanogaster larvae. Here, we show that glucose repression is controlled by DNA sequences that are located upstream of the transcribed region. Recombinant gene constructions, in which the amylase promoter sequences were fused with the transcribed region of the Adh gene, were expressed in transgenic Drosophila larvae. The expression of ADH from the recombinant gene was shown to be subject to glucose repression. The function of potential regulatory cis-acting elements within the glucose responsive upstream region was examined by deletion analysis and by site-directed mutagenesis, coupled with expression assays in transformed larvae. The upstream deletion analysis showed that essential elements, both for overall activity and for glucose repression of the amylase gene, are located within a 109-bp region upstream of the transcription start site. Site-directed mutagenesis of these upstream sequences showed that the TATA motif, at position -31, and a novel 36-bp element, at position -109, were necessary for full activity of the amylase promoter. None of the introduced mutations resulted in loss of glucose responsiveness. These results indicate that glucose repression, in Drosophila, is mediated by transcriptional mechanisms that involve multiple, functionally redundant DNA elements.

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