A situação brasileira dos biossolidos




The wastewater treatment process generate several subproducts, one of them is the sewage sludge, which has a higher operational cost of treatment, transportation and final disposal.Biosolids is a new word assigned to the stabilized sludge generated in the wastewater treatment plants, in order to be recyc1ed, having a more useful final disposal, such as applying to agricultural land. Visualizing these new potential uses of sewage sludge, this study presents a diagnostic of the Brazilian situation of biossolids, approaching its real and theoretical production, final disposal and constituents, as well as information related to wastewater treatment in Brazil. The methodology used in this research consisted on the elaboration of a questionaire sent to the companies suppliers of sanitation services which are responsible for wastewater treatment plants, with questions related to sludge and sewage treatment. There was collected data answered by 275 wastewater treatment plants, which are responsible for the treatment of 1,877,618,25 m3/day of wastewater, providing this service to 12,777,974 inhabitants and producing theoretically 151,724.50 tons/year of dried sludge. The information regarding the real production and constitution of the biosolids are very scant, because most of the wastewater treatment companies do not report enough information regarding the sludge in a systematic manner, reporting only data about the treated sludge, disc1osing a urgent need of investments in this sector


lodo agua - poluição esgotos engenharia sanitaria aguas residuais - purificação - tratamento biologico agua - purificação

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