A sucessão em pequenas e medias empresas familiares no municipio de lages


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present dissertation is the result of an empirical study of the problems faced by the small and medium family enterprises of the region of Lages in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil when the time of managerial succession arrives. It also deals with the alternatives considered by the enterprises studied and tries to relate the present situation of the enterprise with the success of the succession process. The small and medium family enterprises relatively successful when facing the succession problem progressed and obtained increased growth in their business. They have considered the planning of succession as a matter of management that must be faced by the owner or top executive as a leader, so that the process itself develops and allows the internal preparation of candidates for new places in different functions or orientations concerning the control of enterprise together with the adequate intellectual development. Measures taken to allow for succesion in the top management of the enterprise have been treated as a question restricted to the family members at most. Disregard for people, agents and the family involved with the enterprise have given rise to leadership crises and internal and externai conflits with the new executive. Small and medium family enterprises that have not been able to properly select a substitute for top management in the event of death of the top manager, have resulted in bankruptcy in the long run. In the small and medium family enterprises which were studied the success of the planning of the succession is not only characterized from the point of view of business growth but also by the way the process has been made to correspond to the expectations and interests of the family heirs. The majority of interviewees see that the change in the command is understood as a division in the heritage as well as the distribution of the internal functions of the enterprise and the breakup of the enterprise finto different business units.


sucessao : empresa familiar : empresa pequena e media : planejamento : estudo de caso : lages-sc

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