A sustentabilidade no espaço rural com a agricultura familiar : estudo de comunidade usina Três Bocas - Londrina/PR




The Brazilian agriculture, in their whole historical process and actually also, have economic cycles with rises and decreases of their meanly products: the coffee, the sugar cane, the orange, the corn and most recently the soya bean, which are in dependency of external commerce, occasioning instability and apprehension to the agriculturists and the respective productive series. On familiar agriculture, where the earth is the place of life and production, and the agriculturists as owner, workman and manager of business originated of productive process, together with his familiars. The contract of workers is eventual to determinate works. These families keep with them knowledges and practices of rural life, but introduce options to persist in reproduce them and still demonstrate the technique, economic, ambient and social viability for agriculture. In the presence of this conjuncture and importance of studies about the viability of familiar agriculture was realized this study of situation of the Rural Community of Usina Três Bocas – Londrina/Pr; with the objective to analyze in what bases are sitting this group of agriculturists, considering the historical and present context, still looking inside the supportable process, indicators that could contribute to better evaluate the obtained information. Of the families resident on that rural area, a group was selected, whose profile represents the life and practice of familiar agriculture in the region. This sample does not have the compromise of a statistic representation, but of analyze and evaluate the process which are inserted the familiar agriculturists, through supportable indicators. The research confirmed that the majority of rural establishments are explored by familiar agriculturists and the available natural resources are utilized in diversified productive systems, with emphasize the cultivation of cassava, sweet potato and green corn. The majority of supportable indicators were positively evaluated, so that in ambient dimension, part of natural resource need to recuperate and preserved, to guarantee her use to the next generations.


geografia agrícola - meio ambiente agricultura familiar agricultura sustentada comunidades agrícolas agricultural geography - environment family farms sustainable agriculture village communities

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