A tensão dialógica entre auto e heterorrepresentação no funeral Bororo na Terra Indígena de Meruri




The aim of this thesis was to build a communicative scheme which enable to assert the observer Bororo as a subject of your own history and a critic for the realized registers of languages which surrounds the mediatic world, increasing their perceptive capacity to recognize and differ the specific technique of each media. The intention after all is to make the Bororo people to live the contemporaneity gifted with enough technical and intellectual resources to allow a new cultural ethnography to merge, decentralized and with plural value cooperating to the development of self-representative work as a new language creator element.The starting point was the Visual Anthropology which provided theoretical base to the development of the field research, specially those raised and discussed by the Anthropologist Massimo Canevacci in Antropologia della comunicazione visuale and the Semiotic of the Culture, more specifically the Thoughts of the theorists Ivan Bystrina and Norval Baitello, which were an important tool to develop the text with the background of the Bororo funeral. The final product results led us to develop the hypermedia which consolidates the knowledge acquired through all those years of research, which appoints to the applicability of the theory developed by the researcher Sergio Bairon in regards to the trends of the Contemporaneous Scientific Language in digital expressivity. Finally, we believe this thesis is the chance to re-evaluate the methods used to serve the expressivity in the communication process considering societies developed from speech and iconography. Then, the thesis is composed by 3 narratives: one verbal and two not verbal composed by a sequence of pictures and by the hypermedia


indios bororo -- ritos e cerimonias antropologia visual etnografia cultural comunicacao visual ritos e cerimonias funebres comunicacao funeral bororo fotografia na etnologia

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