A utilização do gás natural como alternativa de desenvolvimento local: um estudo de caso na cerâmica Campo Grande MS.




The objective of the present research is to incorporate the ideals of the Masters Degree in Local Development in the ceramic industry of Campo Grande - MS, with the use of the natural gas, as energy head office, in the process of production of bricks of eight holes. The company is placed, in the city of Campo Grande, in the state of Mato Grosso of the South. With such aim a study was conducted based on bibliographical research on books, magazines and several specialized files on the subjetc, as well as on data collection carried out on site, in order to fit the research into the concrete local reality. The work if characterizes as a case study. The sampled population was composed by land owners, employees, customers, researchers, technician, ceramists from several industries in the country, who were interviewed and observed, regarding key questions, and also uppon the difficulties and the results found. From the analysis of data collected, it was demonstrated that after the interlocution with the researcher the procedures adopted by the entrepreneurs can be modified to improve their products, aiming at better quality of life of their employees and local people from Campo Grande - MS. However, if the organization of the enterprise is dinamized for the achievement of objectives, the company will be able to improve quality standards in several ways. At the end of the paper, suggestions are presented for Local Development, in a way to turn it into a more organizated process.


gás natural desenvolvimento local planejamento urbano e regional cerâmica.

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