A vegetação de uma Reserva Biologica Municipal : contribuição ao manejo e a conservação da Serra do Japi, Jundiai, SP




The vegetation of Biological Reserve of "Serra do Japi" was studied, in JundiaÍ, São Paulo State, Brazil, in order to provi de subsidies for the management actions in the area. The map of vegetation was made through photointerpretation, at scale 1 :30.000. From the eight landscape units mapped, three were anthropics (1- exposed soil, 2anthropic prairie, 3- reforested areas with exotic species) and five natives (4- seasonal semideciduous forest with uniform canopy - microphanerophites, 5- seasonal semideciduous forest with uniform canopy- mesophanerophites, 6- seasonal semideciduous forest with emergent canopy, 7- seasonal semideciduous riparian forest, - mountain refugee of shrub. In the landscape with native forest made phytossociological survey, through the quadrant method and it was elaborated the forest profile. Seventy points were sampled en each area, in a total of two hundred and eighty points, where one hundred and twenty five species were recognized. These studies showed that units have different physiognomy and floristic composition. Near 98,5% of the area has native vegetation, although some physiognomies are scarcely represented in the Reserve, as in unit 4. This denotes that the area of Reserve should be enlarged, considering that there is a native forest around the Reserve limits. It is suggested that the Reserve, with the bigger area changed in one conservation unit with the purpose, besides conservation, the public use. So, it is suggested the creation of a park, whose name could be State Park of "Serra do Japi"


ecologia japi comunidades vegetais conservação da natureza serra do

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