Abordagem semiótica da comunicação mercadológica: divergências e convergências de sentido e a emergência de um modelo




The marketing communication, one of the components of marketing, demands a renewal of practices, motivated by the post-modern consumption relationship characteristics. The theoretical proposition of holistic marketing, in accordance to Philip Kotler, covers four marketing areas: integrated, internal, relationship and socially responsible. Analyzing the marketing orientations in the light of social-semiotics, we promote the discussion about an operative model of holistic communication, which reclassifies the forms of the relationship between marks and stakeholders in conventional, spacial, virtual and human mediations, and offers referrals to the communication differentiation by sensitivity and interactivity means. Anchored in concepts of figurativity and aspectualization, we discuss the concrete level of manifestation. In narrativity analysis, the relation between meaning and interaction regimes (with reference to the work of Eric Landowski, who added to the two reasoned regimes of semiotic narrative of Greimas, the programming and the manipulation, two news, the adjustment and the accident) boostes the communication action, toward sensitive relations between brands and consumers, reaching both goals. In expression plane, the semi-symbolic buildings embody the meaning of the text and consolidate the sensitive relationship with its targets. In order to test the hypothetical model, we selected a series of events about Bohemia brand commercial communication, from 2004 to 2007, bringing together copies of printed, audio-visual and digital media, point of sale material, logo mark, packaging, events and experiences. The object meets the necessary characteristics for the analysis, and for the expansion of the proposal to other brands. The reflection and consideration on the analysis results have guided us to delineate the foundations for building a semiotical approach to holistic communication, structured in a more sensitive marketing, that addresses the special features of the relations between the public and the marks on the contemporary environment


category of beverages bohemia (cerveja) marketing comunicacao anuncios -- cerveja comunicacao em marketing semiótica discursiva discursive semiotics communication semiotica categoria de bebidas

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