Abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa de micro-bacias hidrográficas e áreas alagáveis de um compartimento do Médio Mogi-Superior/SP / Qualitative and quantitative approaches to the hydrographic microbasins and floodable areas of a compartment of the Mid-Upper Mogi Guaçu river, SP, Brazil




The search for tools that contribute to enhance the interpretation of information about the diverse uses of soil and their consequences on aquatic bodies is an important task, since the qualities of soil and water have always affected human civilization. The goal of the present work was to quantify, by a first approximation and based on existing data, the erosion, the production of sediments and several parameters of the hydrological cycle of a compartment of the hydrographic basin of the Mogi Guaçu river situated in the central region of the state of São Paulo, Brazil and subjected to different soil uses. A digital database was constructed and two hydrographic microbasins, two drainage basins, and two drainage sub-basins were delimited, covering the municipalities of Luiz Antônio, São Carlos, Rincão, Santa Lúcia and Américo Brasiliense. In the municipality of Luiz Antônio, the study area included part of the Jataí Ecological Station, one of the state’s important conservation units. The annual soil loss was estimated based on the universal soil loss equation (USLE), while sediment production and hydric balance parameters were estimated using the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT – 2000). Thanks to the simultaneous application of these computational models, the methodology developed here proved effective in the environmental characterization of the study area, in the simulation of environmental scenarios, and in the identification of the most vulnerable areas, generating complementary responses. The SWAT proved sensitive to the changes in soil use scenarios and to the set of available data on the study area.


swat cenários hydrographic basin swat processos hidrológicos scenarios hydrologic processes erosão usle eups erosion Áreas alagáveis bacia hidrográfica floodable areas

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