Abrigo da memoria




The starting point of the current dissertation was a survey that I conducted, mainly about registered crimes against women at one the São Paulo´s women´s police station arena. The ultimate objective is to draw attention to the habitual and genuine needs that we as contemporary artists deal with, in terms of utilizing our poetic production as a reflective construct of the social motif and predicaments; in other words, the transformation of our quotidian into a piece of art. All the obtained material originated from a myriad of authentic sources such as: an accurate and historical survey, my experience as an artist, and mainly from a project, named "Women in Conflict" ("Mulheres Divididas"), carried throughout a certain period of time at one of the women´s police station units in my hometown Sâo Paulo´s outskirts, and that reflects many collected testimonies given by women who fall prey to any sort of violence. The historical surveyed base has as its cornerstone the patriarchal family society anchored by the patriarchal power. Several episodes, at different times, have been illustrating the victimization of women always perpetrated by the abuse of the masculine power. In a less or high degree, analyzed testimonies and records have demonstrated that women from all social classes, under any culture or religion, are equally subjected to a dominating and opressing condition imposed by men. And this has been happening ever! All my artistic production fits into all that proposal. I have been always looking forward to transform our common daily lives into pieces of art such as: objects, facilities, photos, performances and drawings. And as a major consequence, it has become inevitably a denouncing form against violence, occasionally a veiled one, that victimized women on the issues of domestic violence. Furthermore, it discloses that the rules of all sorts of world marriages throughout time increasingly served to subjugate women and to perpetuate male inherited power given by the patriarchalism, both leading to the extreme cases of domestic violence. The dissertation´s title "Memory´s Shelter" is an attempt to reproduce the practical feminine condition consciousness of stocking memories during the life, associating them to certain objects, that start acting as initiating elements of the affective memory. The prominent object of my artistic project is the wedding dress. It is women´s most desired "milestone" called marriage Ever since the 90´s I have used wedding dresses as theme and raw material of my work. All the dresses are worn, and carry the memory of the affection retained in the costume on the wedding day. Throughout my work I have tried to evoke this feeling, confronting the love impregnated on clothing with these women´s living reality at a patriarchal society. The women´s police station experience, witnessing the violence suffered by countless women who have been abused and assaulted by their mates, was a fundamental aid for achieving my project as an artist; also it was during my visits to the institution that I produced the drawing sequel presented within the dissertation. As a conclusion, I show the wholeness of my work, which clearly demonstrates the need for reformulation of concept throughout art, and obviously always engaged with society as long as I take part in the matters tied to the feminine fight against domestic violence.


mulheres violencia performance (artes)

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