Accuracy of elevation maps generated with dgps with on yield monitors. / Acurácia de mapas altimétricos obtidos com DGPS na colheita de cereais.




A agricultural has been exposed to strong transformations, with a market always more competitive and with more exigent consumers and farmers having to obtain larger yields with less use of agricultural defensives. With this scenery, new forms of agricultural management are necessary and the use of precision agriculture techniques, is a possibility on trying to understand and interfere on production factors. In the southern Brazilian region the rough topography, is an important caracteristic not always favorable to mechanized agriculture. Topography can correlated with production factors, like genesis, texture, water and nutrients content in the soil, severity of diseases, among others. In the yield mapping process, first step of precision agriculture, altitude data is collected together with several other data. This work aims to evaluate the accuracy of elevation maps generated with GPS receivers. It was conducted on three stages. First, the accuracy of vertical position was evalauted on two GPS receivers, one with differential correction on post processing and other with real time differential correction by satelite. The second stage, evaluated the accuracy of elevation maps generated by simulation of harvesting operation and the third stage evaluated the accuracy of elevation maps generated with datas from a commercial yield mapping system generated on two harvesting seasons on the same area. The post processing differential correction showed to be more acurate than the real time differential correction. The elevation maps generated with simulated and real harvesting operations offered a minimum quality for altitude data, for regions with uneven surface but not for flat regions. Joining altitude data from different simulations on consecutive real harvesting operation improved the quality of altitude information obtained with DGPS.


altimetria geoprocessamento agricultural techenology agricultura de precisão harvest of cereals precision agriculture simulação (estatística) monitoramento yield-grains monitoring topography simulation cereais (produtividade) tecnologia agrícola

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