Acidente de trânsito como propulsor de conflitos no âmbito familiar




Nowadays, the traffic violence has been taking alarming proportions in world-wide, national and local sphere becoming a health public problem. Being evident in the International Diseases Classification as external causes, the traffic violence is a mischief generator to the society, causing premature deaths and extending the number of incapacitated people for the daily work, as also, for the professional performance functions. Visualizing the idea that all of these misfortunes provoked by the traffic accidents are not limited only because individual problems, but it is a social question in that the family is directly reached, the objectives of this study were to investigate the conflicts which were present in the carrying person of muscle skeleton trauma family, who was victim of transit accident and to analyze the influence of the Health Education actions to the familiar conflicts reduction that came from the transit accident. In methodology way, it was used the assistance convergent qualitative research because it allows the changings realization and permits to introduce innovations in the social situation. This research was developed at Institute Dr. José Frota (I.J.F) a public hospital specialized on trauma with urgency and emergency assistance, situated on Fortaleza, Cearás capital, on Brazil, which is reference in the North-Northeast Region on emergency assistance, in the period from May to August, 2004th. It took part on this study 14 people. From these ones, it had seven patients porting muscle skeleton trauma from transit accidents and seven family members who were involved directly on the accompaniment during the internment. In virtue of this study nature, the instruments used for the data attainment were informal interview, notations in the field daily, notations of family daily and the participative observation. As results, we identify the categories - depression, anxiety, sadness, fear, concern, overload of work, disinformation, less treatment from the patient and family, physical, economic, social and legal problems that converged to the conflicts lived by the family. These were sum up in emotional, familiar, economic-social conflicts. As a conclusion, is very important to attend the person AT victim using a holistic form, giving always an all special attention to the relative which is accompanying, therefore these suffer many damages when their family members are threatened by sudden death or severe trauma.


saude coletiva acidentes de trÂnsito - dissertaÇÕes

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