Ações e dificuldades para o autocuidado em idosos com afecções onco-hematologicas




Oncohematological diseases like leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma increase as age advances. Self-care activities have to be developed because these diseases and the treatment produce alterations. However, the elderly may have some restrictions regarding self-care activities that could interfere with their recovery. Identifying the self-care activities as well as the difficulties faced by individuaIs with oncohematological diseases could help in defining the education and guidance required to control and reduce the risk factors as well as amplify the information these individuals have about these diseases. This study, therefore, has the following objectives: identify the hematological neoplastic diseases as well as the other diseases present in elderly individuals being treated at the oncohematological outpatients unit; identify the self-care activities performed in relation to the treatment and the associated difficulties faced by these elderly individuais. The results demonstrated that the predominating oncohematological disease was multiple myeloma. The other common disease was arterial hypertension. Most of the elderly patients revealed one or more self-care activities. Diagnostic delay, lack of information in relation to the diagnosis, financial limitations and the manifestation of the symptoms were difficulties that most of the elderly patients faced at the beginning of the treatment, during the appearance and continuity of the side effects, as well in the prevention of complications


geriatria autocuidado oncologia enfermagem

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