Acumulo de fenois e fitoalexinas nos tecidos de laranjeira azeda e laranjeira doce apos inoculação com plytophthora citrophthora




The development of newly synthetized compounds which a cumulate after inoculation with Phytophthora citrophthora was verified in tissues of two Citrus varieties - Citrus aurantiurn L (sweet orange) and Citrus sinensis Osbeck (sour orange), respectively resistant and susceptible to this fungus. Detached bark, wood and stems of both hosts were placed in Petri dishes and inoculated with a mycelial suspension of the fungus. At different periods after inoculation the tissues were extracted with hot 95% Ethanol and the concentrated extracts we re chromatagraphed and bioassayed. A fluorescent compound with Rf 0.30 in Benzenb:Ether (80:20) was detected in chromatograms of bark and stems of inoculated sour orange by observation under the ultraviolet light. This compound was named Compound 1 and it was developed in the resistant hast tissues 2 4 hours after inoculation. Compound 1 was detected only in bark extracts when bark and wood were inoculated separately. Compound 1 was also developed after 72 h in response to mechanical injury in incubated and noniculated bark tissues. Compound 1 was produced by sour orange in response to inoculation with the pathogens P.parasitica and P.cinnamomi, but not after inoculation with the non-pathogens P.infestans and C.paradoxa. Sweet orange tissues did not develop Compound 1 in response at inoculation with the pathogen P.citrophthora. Chromatography of extracts from stem and bark tissues showed a compound with Rf 0.36 in Benzene:Ether (80:20) which was visible under the UV light ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


cítricos fenois frutas citricas - cultivo

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