Administração de luvas brancas: uma leitura das interpretações sobre as manifestações culturais em um hospital de Uberlândia-MG




The theme Organizacional Culture was chosen for the development of this research project for approaching socially constructed and significant symbolic elements, which interpretation allows understanding the organizational life in depth. In this study, the approach was qualitative and descriptive. As a research procedure it was used the ethnographic method. The techniques of research for data collection were the documentary research, observation, participant observation and focused interviews. For the data analysis it was used the technique of content analysis, speech analysis and data triangulation. Such practices were carried out under the focus of the perspectives of integration, differentiation and fragmentation, which allowed to apprehend the following cultural manifestations: how things work in the organization; the way in which offices are arranged; the jokes people tell; the remuneration policy; the relationship among collogues, supervisors, doctors and the team work. The related cultural manifestations constitute the categories of analysis of the research. In this way, in order to solve the research problem the general objective of this study consists of: unmasking the shared, different and inconsistent interpretations of the different actors, focusing the cultural manifestations in a hospital in Uberlandia-MG. As specific objective: (I) to investigate the interpretations of each group of actors with regard to the cultural manifestations: group of employees of the administrative area, group of employees of the health area and the clinical body; (II) to examine the interpretations that are shared and different of each group of the organization; and, (III) to distinguish what is shared and different in the interpretations among the diverse groups of the organization. The study object was chosen for its relevance in local level and to be currently becoming a reference in regional level. From a general analysis, it could be verified from the Integration perspective the sharing of interpretations of the different actors on the cultural manifestations that arise in the hospital. The incidence of differentiation elements is also evident. Under the perspective of fragmentation, it could be observed conflicts, ironies and jokes. This comes to prove that even in harmonic environment the differences arise and the elements of fragmentation can also be found.


antropologia interpretativa administration administração administracao organizational culture cultura organizacional interpretative anthropology

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