Administração gerencial ou gestão administrativa? : foco no planejamento educacional / Management administration or administrative management? : focus the educational planning




This study looks at planning as a management element that reveals the political intention of management and that therefore is a tool for political action that may expose or veil the logical thinking in educational manifestations. This study presents the historical path of General Management Theory to identify trends that have influenced educational management and the reflexes thereof on planning. One cannot but review the inherent ideological nature of the act of using or of not using the planning tool because despite its appearance of scientific noninvolvement, there is no room for neutrality in the sphere of education. Reducing relevant problems of the educational system to mere technical planning problems means to overlook the conflicts of interest that plague the system. The other extreme of this situation involves banning the official nature of planning in practice in order to reach educational goals in a process that dilutes systematic thinking in favor of a more spontaneous action that does not and has not admitted the nonsystematic, unprofessional action in educational systems. The role of planning at the school is not dissociated from the role of State planning, and this led to the need of becoming aware of macrostructural developments in order to understand the determination relations inside the school. The choice of a methodology for this study tended to qualitative analysis, which is adequate for the area of educational policies, for the subjective area of Humanities, which does not dwell in the analysis of what the nature of man is, but rather around the question of what individuals or groups represent when they use words and when they manifest their intentions and attribute specific meanings to their actual speech. In this context, educational planning at school units of the Educational System of the State of São Paulo ? a human experience resource ? is analyzed as a reflex of political, economic, and historical determinations that go from the role of the State onto the role of the school. Analysis was made of the documents that were distributed by, and in. The State System of Education in order to identify the management conception that is present and the planning guidelines for school units. A field survey was made by intentional representative sampling, based on questionnaires applied to school managers. As they did not wish to exhaust all possibilities of analysis, the authors concentrated on identifying the paths trodden by the System of Education starting in the 1990?s and the reflexes thereof in school units, always acknowledging the use of managerial concepts and conceptions, attempting at unveiling intentions of a conscientious and consistent action on the part of education professionals


gestão educacional educational planning educational management politics and education administration administração planejamento educacional politica e educação

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