Adolescência infratora paranaense: história, perfil e prática discursiva




This work results from the analysis of personal files belonging to juvenile delinquents kept in custody, in Educandário São Francisco, Piraquara, Parana a state institution for the detention of adolescent, from 1956 to 1992. The research puts in relief the social and personal characteristics of the teenagers kept locked in that institution, underlines the data related to their profiles and to the language used with the purpose of their description. Besides, it also seeks to identify the implicit cultural model for rehabilitation, as well as to insert the correctional centre in the context of Brazil and of the state of Parana, since the advent of delinquency occurrences. For years, the current belief or conception that the natural inclination for the practice of crimes, traditionally adopted in the field of criminology, could be suppressed by detention and body and temper disciplining, prevailed. This way, the research aims to establish the relation among delinquency, delinquent, current mentality and discourse practice. Furthermore, it intends to point at the foucautian mechanism of power, present in language, which, at the same time, contributes to reveal the institutions character or ideology by mean of the written material (official letters, reports, prescriptions, internal documents, for instance) produced by its professionals, as judges, teachers, coaches, social work assistants, doctors. The following variables were object of quantitative crossed-over analysis: colour, origin, family information, infraction committed, detention time, clinical tests... The qualitative analysis, by its turn, was based on graphs and tables which expressed information about behaviour and the conception of treatment and rehabilitation for juvenile delinquents. To sum up, the work reveals the so-called social control culture, which pervades the States and the societys structure, and reaches the institution, defining a representation of the delinquent juvenile and a model of rehabilitation that is implicitly perceived in the personal files.


disciplinamento juvenile disciplining and compulsion. história delinquency infraction adolescente cultura menorista e coerção discourse history discurso historia infração

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