Aeronautic productive chain in Brazil / A cadeia de produção aeronautica no Brasil : uma analise sobre os fornecedores da Embraer




The manufacturing of a1rcrafts m Brazil can be considered a singular case m the technological trajectory of deve1opmg countries. After all, this is a product with high technologic content, manufactured by a domestic company, where the development of products takes place m an autonomous way, even thought strategic partnerships with other companies (mainly, avionic systems producers). The objective of this study is to analyze the logic of the organization of the aeronautic chain m Brazil, which has Embraer as its core company. First of all, we need to keep in mind that the whole domestic aeronautic chain works m connection with Embraer. Therefore, all suppliers, domestic or foreign owned ones, rely on the conception of the project managed by Embraer. The management of the project becomes a determining factor for the possibilities of strengthening the production chain. The management of this project follows a common trend among all the large integrator companies, as a result of the evolution of an economic sector mainly ruled by two large groups (Boeing and Airbus). At the same time, the fact that Embraer is established in a developing country requires that the company assembles innovations that allow for a positive participation m the high1y competitive international market. In this regard, Embraer performs a constant modification of its supplier s chain framework, which is increasingly internationalized. As a result, domestic suppliers are facing a significant larger number of hurdles, such as difficulties to access critical technologies and financing. The establishment of a qua1ifying matrix for these suppliers outlines the leveI of distance between domestic suppliers of "aeroparts" and suppliers (risk partners) of avionic systems. Regarding public policies for the sector, they have not been very effective, due to the low degree of capillarity of the supporting agencies. Although Brazil has a favorable environment for the conception and integration of a1rcrafts, an activity that is high1y strategic and that adds value to the product, at the same time Brazil has a hostile environment for the production and development of "aeroparts" and systems. The consequences are c1ear: the increase of integration activities and project conception m the country, followed by the decrease m the production of" aeroparts" and systems. Is there any alternative that would not damage the company that coordinates the production chain? This study is aimed at fostering the discussion of these issues from the analysis of the capabilities of Embraer s domestic suppliers


productive organization industria aeronautica - brasil politica industrial - brasil manufacturing of aircrafts embraer s suppliers

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