This papers intent is to investigate how young people identify themselves with socializing agencies; in other words, which senses and meanings do they attribute to their families and schools, and how this interferes with their academic trajectory. In order to do so, I have sought to discover how youth develop these relationships based on their juvenile everyday routines and within their most representative social groups. Having chosen the family and the school as the most present socializing agencies, my purpose is to identify what has prevailed, or what are the most relevant factors, in the relationships established by young people inside these agencies. This paper is based on the presupposed notion that the discrepancy between youths expectations and the schools perspectives is mostly the result of stereotypes and preconceived ideas that pervade social imagination, thus associating young people to hedonism, irresponsibility, inconsequence, impetuosity, etc. Such consequences can be seen or are reflected especially in the family and school environments. Nevertheless, such presupposed notions can become obstacles that hinder the process of getting to know the true face of this young person, especially by the aforementioned agencies, and will greatly interfere in these relationships. Reality is not always apparent. Sedimentary ideas often pilfer true facts. Many adults have talked about youth parents, teachers, and specialists however, few opportunities are given so that they can speak, give their opinions, share their points of view or interpretations about the relationships, and even the conflicts involving them. In this sense, we believe that when we see how these relationships are formed from the young persons perspective, it is possible to reduce the conflicts that have created the discrepancies between students and their schools. While investigating and giving the student the opportunity to express and recognize himself/herself within his/her own contexts, especially inside the school structure, it is possible to open up a channel that accesses the dynamics happening inside the schools and which, most of the time, are not recognized, considered, or investigated. Therefore, I chose the young person from a public school as the object of this paper, because I recognize the importance of the individual who is, or should be, the schools main focus; hence, it is important to listen to him/her. It is equally important to recognize him/her as an unveiling element that reveals not only the determining educational relationships of his/her developmental process, but also the relationships within the institutions present in this process. For such a purpose, we used the Focal Group technique, which was proposed by Bernadete Gatti (2005) as a possibility of listening to young people, since this technique favors the sharing of points of views, values and stimulates ideas, arguments, and opinions in a free manner. As a result of this paper, we were able to get closer to the schools routine and understand juvenile representations, as well as the different relations experimented by young people,and their interface with school. Furthermore, we uncovered some stereotypes- ideas that are present in the common sense and which, a lot of times, are different than the reality represented by young people that interfere in the way adults conceive and relate to youth. For the representation concept, we chose the conception of Henri Lefèbvre (1979). For the juvenile theme approach, we consulted many authors, and favored contemporary writers such as Spósito(2006); Guimarães (2009); Dayrell (2007, 2010);Pais (2003,2005,2006,2008); Abramo(2005);Charlot (2000,2001,2005); Bourdieu(1983); Mannheim (1968), among others.


jovens família escola representações educacao socialization youth family, school, representations socialização

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