Al Inhibits Both Shoot Development and Root Growth in als3, an Al-Sensitive Arabidopsis Mutant.


In als3, an Al-sensitive Arabidopsis mutant, shoot development and root growth are sensitive to Al. Mutant als3 seedlings grown in an Al-containing medium exhibit severely inhibited leaf expansion and root growth. In the presence of Al, unexpanded leaves accumulate callose, an indicator of Al damage in roots. The possibility that the inhibition of shoot development in als3 is due to the hyperaccumulation of Al in this tissue was examined. However, it was found that the levels of Al that accumulated in shoots of als3 are not different from the wild type. The inhibition of shoot development in als3 is not a consequence of nonspecific damage to roots, because other metals (e.g. LaCl3 or CuSO4) that strongly inhibit root growth did not block shoot development in als3 seedlings. Al did not block leaf development in excised als3 shoots grown in an Al-containing medium, demonstrating that the Al-induced damage in als3 shoots was dependent on the presence of roots. This suggests that Al inhibition of als3 shoot development may be a delocalized response to Al-induced stresses in roots following Al exposure.

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