Al2O3/GdAlO3 fiber for dental porcelain reinforcement. / Fibras de Al2O3/GdAlO3 obtidas por fusão a laser para aplicações odontológicas.




The esthetic appeal of modern Dentistry has prompted the search for ceramic materials with high esthetic and mechanical performance. This research aimed at the development of Al2O3/GdAlO3 ceramic fibers, obtained by laser heated pedestal growth (LHPG) and its application as reinforcement of dental materials. Pedestals were obtained from the mixture of precursor powders (Gd2O3 e Al2O3), pre-sintered to form Al2O3/ GdAlO3 fibers with average diameter of 0,8 mm. Variables were: fiber pulling rates (in pedestals of eutectic composition): from 48 mm/h to 240 mm/h; and pedestal composition: from eutectic composition (23 mol% of Gd2O3 and 77 mol% of Al2O3) to 5 wt% of excess Al2O3, pulled at 96 mm/h. The best results were obtained with a pulling rate of 240 mm/h, which originated fibers with average distance between phases of 0.6 m and three-point bending flexural strength of 1790 MPa. When fibers were used as re-enforcement of dental porcelain (Cerabien- Noritake), an increase in flexural strength from 91 MPa to 218 MPa was obtained. The methods employed in this study allowed the observation that Al2O3/GdAlO3 ceramic fibers presented high mechanical performance and compatibility with dental porcelain, indicating a significant potential as re-enforcement of dental ceramics for infrastructure.


eutetic fiber lhpg laser heated pedestal growth al2o3/gdalo3 gdalo3/al2o3 compósitos fusão a laser fibras eutéticas

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