Algoritmos de afinamento de imagens 3-d : uma analise teorica e pratica




The problem of thinning binary images has been extensively studied in the digital image processing field. Particularly to the bidimensional images, there is a large number of methods leading to different results. In the three-dimensional case, due to the technological limitations, the number of such algorithms is rather limited. This work discusses some problems concerned with the definition of thinning algorithms to three-dimensional images. It describes the main algorithms presented in the literature and analyses them in a comparative way. We consider different aspects of the thinning problem such as execution time, geometric characteristics, and define formally some equivalences between the methods. We also consider some extensions from the bidimensional image processing algorithms to the three-dimensional case. These extensions include noise reduction of thinned images and the watersheds of a function. Finally, some general optimization techniques are defined for the implementation of the algorithms.


processamento de imagens - tecnicas digitais

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