Alianças Estratégicas e Inovação de Valor: Estudo de Caso dos Jatos Regionais 170/190 da Embraer




The increasing changes in the organizational environment, propelled globalization, have lead companies to rethink their business models in order create value. Therefore, the organizational arrangements that emphasize innovation and cooperation are understood by many researchers as possible answers to these new challenges and potential sources of superior results. This research essay points to different ways of management strategic alliances considering their dynamics, their benefits and risks in environment in which organizational competence of value innovation is of importance. Empirical researches were held at EMBRAER concerning the family regional jets 170/190, as semi-structured interviews, and these data complemented with secondary sources. Bibliographic revision was also done during all the stages of the survey order to assure theoretical basis and offer main subsidies to the questionary preparation, the choice of methodology and the field data collection work itself. The results of the empirical data point to, among others, some relevant contributions: the importance of strategic alliances in an open innovation model, the possibility that innovation might be considered an organizational competence and the importance of value innovation to create new markets in which traditional competition becomes secondary importance


mudanca organizacional administracao inovação de valor embraer alianças estratégicas aliancas estrategicas (negocios) strategic alliances organizational competence concorrencia inovação aberta open innovation value innovation competência organizacional valor

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