Alterations in the dynamics of vibroimpact systems due to clearance variations / Alterações na dinamica de sistemas com vibroimpacto devidas a variações da folga




This works presents an investigation on the changes in the dynamics of vibroimpact systems as their clearance is varied. Particularly we are interested in the migration of the characteristic frequencies of impact systems. We can consider that a given vibroimpact system reaches to a degenerated impact system when the clearance reaches to zero or to a value which is greater than the amplitude of the response of the system at the impact coordinate. We also can call these systems as associated linear systems of a given impact system, if the impact is the only nonlinearity which takes place. We show that there is an intrinsic relation between impact systems and their associated linear systems, or degenerated systems. To investigate this relation we consider the free response of 2-DOF and 3-DOF impact systems with impact in one of their coordinates. On the other hand, we have performed an experimental investigation in a randomly excited cantilever beam with impacts on its free end. We have found good agreement between numerical and experimental results. We have proposed a function for the migration of the first characteristic frequency of impact systems. The migration way depends on distribution of the total energy supplied to system among the vibration modes of the associated linear systems


oscilações não-lineares collisions (physics) dynamics of dinamica das maquinas choques (mecanica) nonlinear oscillations colisões (fisica) machinery

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