Altered effector specificities in regulators of gene expression: TOL plasmid xylS mutants and their use to engineer expansion of the range of aromatics degraded by bacteria.


Stimulation of transcription from positively regulated promoters involves regulatory proteins that have been activated, generally as a consequence of binding low molecular weight effector molecules. To define essential structural features of effectors for one positively acting gene regulator, the xylS-encoded protein, which activates the TOL plasmid meta-cleavage pathway operon promoters, effector activities of a wide range of benzoate derivatives have been systematically analyzed, and mutant xylS-encoded proteins exhibiting altered effector specificities have been generated and characterized. Cloned mutant xylS genes were trans dominant in partial diploids containing the wild-type xylS allele and could therefore be used to effect expansion of the range of aromatic compounds completely or partially degraded by Pseudomonas bacteria. The method developed to isolate mutant xylS-encoded proteins has general applicability and could in principle be used to isolate gene regulator specificity mutants of any inducible regulatory system.

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