Ambient concerns: the case of the exporting agro-industries of milky derivatives in Minas Gerais / PreocupaÃÃes ambientais: o caso das agroindÃstrias exportadoras de derivados lÃcteos em Minas Gerais.




It is clearly that the technological globalization, innovations and growth of the industrial sector bring some benefits to a reasonable parcel of the society, such as: comfort and quality of life. However it is also responsible for ambient catastrophes, social and economic problem that contribute for an unsustainable development. This ambient crisis in alert for an evaluation in the relation between the man and the nature. This study it has as objective generality to identify which is the concerns that the exporting agro-industries of milky derivatives in Minas Gerais possess with regard to ambient question. More specifically it is intended: to identify to the concerns with relation the ambient requirements of the performance markets; to identify the concerns with relation to the main ambient problems generated by the productive activity; to identify to the concerns with relation practical the ambient ones adopted by the companies; to identify to the main advantages and limitations gotten for the adoption of practical ambient. As result was observed that despite the agro-industries possessing imperfections and deficiencies in its systems of ambient management, the analyzed data disclose that the studied agro-industries are acting in more correct way ambiently in the last years, including the ambient, variable in the enterprise management. The reasons them companies to adopt a more active position in relation to the environment are mainly related the search for the ambient administration, whom the improvement of the image of the company generates before its customers and the community, the adaptation to the requirements of the importers, the reduction of conflicts with agencies of ambient fiscalization and the differentiation in relation to the competitors. This work made possible to visualize the ambient concerns of the agro-industries and existing limitations in the relation of these with the environment, displaying points that must be focused for search of the incorporation of the ambient, variable in day-by-day of the studied agro-industries.


minas gerais state milk derivatives derivados lacteos minas gerais gestÃo ambiental environmental management adequacao ambiental

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