América Latina como expresión del sistema-mundo en la organización de los modelos de desarrollo


Cad. CRH




Our idea is that the definition of Latin America as a particular manifestation of worldsystem is important for clarifying the understanding of innovations that have taken place in the region since the end of World War II, whether they be theoretical, social, cultural, technological esthetic, or institutional. Nevertheless, the character of this definition depends directly on a prior understanding of the meaning of world-system and of development. If we define world-system as a homogeneous unit, it makes no sense to talk about particular manifestations within this system. On the other hand, if we limit world-system to the capitalist system, the idea of Latin America's particularity becomes complicated when we think of the region as a base for political and cultural processes, both borrowed and original. After all, we must remember that the inspiration for this analysis is the inestimable contributions made by CEPAL (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean), which pioneered important innovations to the theme of development, thus contributing to a break with the colonial mindset.

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