Amostragem aleatória de ramos como técnica para quantificar a produção de frutos Caryocar brasiliense camp. (caryocaraceae)




The pequi is a species typical of the Cerrado biome, which fruit is an important non-timber forest products - NTFP. However, the extraction of the fruit is done, in general, without management plans or precise information on production. This study was conducted in an area of cerrado sensu stricto, located in the Experimental Ecological Reserve of the University of Brasilia, Federal District, with the objective of verify the efficiency of randomized branch sampling to quantify the production of fruits of Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (pequi), to the sustainable management of the species. For this study, the selected area was recorded, and sampled 10 plots of 20x50m randomly. In each plot, were identified botanically all woodys individuals trees and shrubs with Db (diameter of the base taken at 30 cm soil) bigger than 5 cm. The forest inventory allowed the identification of the floristic composition and the structure of vegetation where the individuals of pequi were selected for implementation of randomized branch sampling. After the inventory, were randomly selected five trees of Caryocar brasiliense, belonging to different classes of diameter for application of a randomized branch sampling. We tested two techniques for selection of branches: uniform probability and probability proportional to the diameter of the branch. The validation of the method of sampling was done by comparing the production of fruits of pequi estimated by both techniques with the actual production, obtained by counting all fruits on trees. The actual average error of five individuals of pequi, sampling at an intensity of ten paths, was 231.85 % and 151.82 %, respectively for the uniform probability and probability proportional to the size of the branch. It may be noted that the technique of probability proportional to the diameter of the branches produced estimates with less error than the technique of uniform probability. The increased production of fruits, for the average of five trees, occurred in the southwest quadrant (68.8 fruits) and the median stratum of the canopy (91.8 fruits). The randomized branch sampling produced estimates of the production of fruits of C. brasiliense with high values of sampling errors.


pequi amostragem de produtos florestais não-madeireiros caryocar brasiliense cerrado sensu stricto caryocar brasiliense pequi cerrado sensu stricto sampling of non-timber forest products engenharias randomized branch sampling amostragem aleatória de ramos

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