An assessment of serum acid and alkaline phosphatase determinations in prostatic cancer with a clinical validation of an acid phosphatase assay utilizing adenosine 3′ -monophosphate as substrate


Serum acid phosphatase (AcPase) was measured by a colorimetric method utilizing adenosine 3′ -monophosphate as substrate in 389 patients. In about half the cases blood was taken shortly after a rectal examination. The upper reference limit (mean + 2SD) for 116 cases with miscellaneous illness after eliminating outliers was 4·1 International Units per litre (U/I) at 37°C, and no correlation existed between AcPase activity and age in these subjects (r = 0·040). Eight of 18 patients with untreated carcinoma confined within the prostate gland had AcPase activities below 4·1 U/l, and all of 27 cases with extension to pelvic soft tissues or to bone exceeded this value. AcPase activities above 4·1 U/l were found in 6% of cases with benign hypertrophy of the prostate, in 5% of cases with non-prostatic cancer, and in none of 22 cases with other urological illness.

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