Análise Bibliométrica da Produção Científica Brasileira de RH na Década de 1990 - Um Mapeamento a partir das Citações dos Artigos Publicados no ENANPAD / Bibliometric Analysis of the Brazilian Academic Production in Human Resources through the 1990s A Map Based on the Citations of all Articles Published in the ENANPADs




This study uses bibliometric analysis to understand the influence of authors and institutions in the Human Resources academic literature produced in Brazil throughout the 1990 s (1991 through 2000). The study mapped out, within the 290 articles published in the ENANPAD proceedings, the constitution, origin, and relationship patterns of all citations, authors and institutions that were cited in the period s published articles. In total, the bibliometric patterns of 5814 citations were analyzed, comprising 342 authors, who came from 51 institutions. The results show (i) a field with a high degree of self-citation and endogenous behavior, and with a high citation incidence of newspapers, non-academic magazines, as well as of foreign and non-academic authors; (ii) that Maria Tereza Fleury (FEA/USP) was the most cited author in the period, and that USP, UFMG, UFRGS and FGV-EAESP (in such order) were the most cited academic institutions; (iii) that RAE was the most cited Brazilian scholarly journal in the field; and (iv) that some authors and institutions that published in the analyzed period have a high propensity for self-citation and to reference predominantly authors from their own institutions. The report concludes offering to the field a series of suggestions for further development and debate, based on its own results and on its comparison with previous studies that analyzed the same sample.


recursos humanos produção científica análise bibliométrica citações

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