Análise computacional da origem do subtipo C do HIV-1 na América do Sul / Computational analyses of the origin of subtype C of HIV-1 in South America




The main circulating HIV-1 subtype in South America is B, but C and F also are important and an increasing prevalence of subtype C in southern Brazil and its occurrence in other countries of Latin American has being described. The goal of this study was to analyze phylogenetically HIV-1C samples from South American countries to test the hypothesis that its entry in the region was a unique episode, and try to estimate its origin. We have analyzed 97 viral sequences spanning 975bp (protease and two-thirds of reverse transcriptase), from samples of geographic locations where the subtype C is epidemiologically important (South America, Asia and Africa). Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using ML and Bayesian inference methods using PAUP, PHYML and MrBayes. Samples from South America formed a monophyletic group when compared with the worldwide samples in all trees generated with different methodologies, with high bootstrap and posterior probability values. In all trees a sample from Kenya was the most closely related to that group. Bootscanning analyses of subtype C and C-containing recombinant sequences from Argentina and Uruguay showed that they are more similar to the Brazilian sequences. Our results indicate that the entry of HIV-1C in South America occurred in a single episode or in multiples episodes of genetically close viruses, possibly from a country of the Eastern Africa. HIV-1C spread out from Brazil to other South American countries.


subtipo c hiv (vírus) -- electronic data processing filogeografia hiv (vírus) -- south america hiv (vírus) -- processamento eletrônico de dados hiv (vírus) - américa do sul virologia

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