Analise da expectativa e percepção da qualidade de serviços administrativos em uma instituição de ensino superior / Analysis of expectation and perception of the quality in the administrative service of one educational college




This paper presents a study about the perception of the quality in the administrative service of educational College, using a case study in Goiânia- Goiás. As theoretical evidence it was used mostly the principles of service quality from the authors Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry as well as the methodology SERVQUAL. In the bibliographical review other authors concepts of Service Quality were used, such as : Albrecht, Ishikawa, Las Casas, Hayes, among others, aiming to go deeper in the subject. The study of case presented is from an Institution of Private Superior Education in Goiânia with average importance in the region. The results point that the SERVQUAL method was adjusted to the analysis, giving the Institution in study data to take decisions that aim the quality in services. It also assists in the understanding of the dimensions more valued by course. the dimensions chosen as most important had been of reliability and security, being however perceived in a negative form by the customer. the itens of tangible aspects had been identified as satisfactory. This research propitiates the institution information that will be basic for the analysis of the redirection of the focus of its action to the improvement of the quality in the analysis of the specifications, in the system of advertising, or in the training of the employees who take care of to the most diverse services provided


educação (superior) education (higher)

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