Análise da influência da taxa de resfriamento no gradiente microestrutural de barras laminadas a quente tratados termicamente




The use of systems of controlled cooling in rolling mills improve performance in the mechanical properties of the material from defined chemical compositions, to guarantee the specifications of the product and providing economic viability of its use. This work presents a study about this process through of identification and analysis of the microstructural gradient formation and their influence on the final mechanical properties of the material. This process basically consists of the intense superficial cooling (with water), followed of an equalization of the profile of temperature between the surface and the central region with posterior normalization until the ambient temperature. There are Important-referring considerations to the speed of cooling of the material as well as too much involved parameters of process exist, that make excellent for obtained of the characteristics desired in the final product. Of this form, the microstructural characterization is associated with a matrix of dependent factors between itself, to which submitted the determined levels that supplies as resulted the desired mechanical properties. More than the characterization and analysis of a specific process, the adequate estimates of the used parameters not depend just of the type of used technology (Thermex, Tempcore, and others), but also in a model that representation of the phenomenon of heat transfer has during the process of cooling associated with the estimate of the final properties of the material


resistência de materiais chapas de aço - processo a frio metais - tratamento térmico engenharia mecanica

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