Análise da potencialidade de alguns solos não lateríticos para utilização em barreiras impermeáveis / Analysis of the potential use of non lateritic soils in hydraulic barriers




It is presented an evaluation of the potential of certain non-lateric soils, compacted, for lining system use, based on their hydraulic conductivity and axial shrinkages. Ten different types of soils were analyzed; six of them were classified as non-lateric clayey (NG) and the other four as non-lateric silty (NS), according to the classification system MCT. It was verified the influence of parameters of compaction and some soil properties on the hydraulic conductivity and on the axial shrinkage of compacted soils. Results of the analysis indicate that, for the most of the soils there were decrease of hydraulic conductivity when increasing the energy of compaction. In relation to the molding water content, the lower values of hydraulic conductivity were associated to equal to or over optimum water content. Some soils did not have their hydraulic conductivity influenced by the water content, perhaps as a result of their compaction characteristics, since they showed constant specific mass with the humidity, for a given energy of compaction. It was verified that the hydraulic conductivity decreases as plasticity index and volumetric humidity increases, with the result of the adsorption of metilen blue. The axial shrinkage was very little influenced by the increase of the water content and by the energy of compaction, the greater values associated to lower hydraulic conductivity. It was verified that the contraction increases with the increases of clay content, plasticity index, results of metilen blue test and the decrease of the contraction limit.


condutividade hidráulica hydraulic conductivity landfill aterro sanitário solos tropicais contração axial axial shrinkage barreira impermeável tropical soils liner

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