Analise de desempenho de metodos de acesso espaciais baseada em um banco de dados real




This dissertation presents a comparative performance analysis of spatial access methods based on a real-life database. In spite of the large amount of research dealing with the performance comparison of spatial access methods, very little has been done when it comes to considering the properties of specific groups of applications. In part, this is due to the difficulty in obtaining real data sets to represent them. The use of real data is necessary, since synthetic data generation may result in data sets with atypical characteristics, which may lead, in turn, to conclusions that don t apply to a given application type. In this context, the main contributions of this work are: The conversion of a real data set that is representative of geographic applications for public utility services management to a format in which it may be easily delivered to other researchers. Public utility services include telecommunication, electricity and water supply, and the like. The performance comparison of a group of spatial access methods of the R-tree family with regards to the indexing of this data set. The accomplished experiments have shown some results that disagree with other ones obtained by a group of researchers who have based on synthetic data sets, reinforcing the need of using representative real data sets. This dissertation also presents a survey of several techniques used in spatial data indexing


banco de dados - gerencia sistemas de informação geografica estrutura de dados (computação)

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