AnÃlise de desvios dos resultados financeiros de projetos de transmissÃo de rede bÃsica : caso CHESF / Analysis of deviations and financial results in basic energy transmission net projects â CHESF




Companies need to be every day more competitive, for this their costs should be minimized, and properly measured. This work has, as the major objective, to measure the SÃo Franscisco Hidro-Eletric Company (CHESF) basic energy net transmission investments, evaluating the process deviations, since the National Electrical Energy Agency (ANEEL) approval to the investment conclusion. Also, adoption of new company procedures to make the process faster and secure are suggested, in view of the reorganization of the Brazilian electrical sector. Twenty four investments workmanships / enterprises that belongs to the basic energy net and were approved by the National Electrical energy Agency (ANEEL) were analyzed. It was verified that the majority of the projects had a delay of, at least, one year and a half and the deviation between the CHESF and ANATEL return taxes has an average of 5 %, it means that new schedule should be taken, and the calculations should be more specified by CHESF or ANEEL. It was also noted that the norms actually adopted are not sufficient to a full accomplish of the process. It was concluded that, for being a very complex process, which involves from the Mines and Energy Ministry until many sectors of the company, itâs necessary to map all the process in study. A implantation of a informatical system that saves all the information, from the budget to the conclusion of the workmanship is suggested


estatÃsticas descritivas descriptive statistics investiment analysys economia anÃlise de investimento

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