Análise de Formações Comunitárias em Favelas - Metodologia, Perspectivas e Resultados - o Modelo da Associação Comunitária Monte Azul (ACOMA) / Study of Community Organizations in 'Slums' - Methodology, Perspectives and Results - The Blue Hill Community Association's Model (BHCA)




The aim of this research is to picture the quality of life in Favela Monte Azul due to the work of two community organizations - Monte Azul Community Association (ACOMA) and Residents Commission - considering their history, ideology, perspectives and results reached in the community transformation. Nowadays, experiences with organizations that promote community development haven't systemized and presented the results reached in the improvement of quality of life. This is important for both the Community and the Organization that, together, can look for solutions to the identified problems. The positive results in the quality of life reflects the twenty-year-old work of ACOMA and the organized community.


qualidade de vida desenvolvimento comunitário organizações do terceiro setor transformação social indicadores de qualidade de vida identidade local cidadania

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