Análise de produções de crianças do quarto ano revelando criatividade na educação matemática




This research had as its objective to analyze indications of Creativity in praxis of Mathematical Education, constructing, by the means of the theories and the childrens productions, a concept of creativity related to the Mathematical Education in the production analysis. To finally identify in the analysis of protocols the creative child and its creative production and, to understand the Creativity in the resolution of mathematical problems of children in the third year of Basic School. This study identified the expression of the creativity in the resolution of mathematical problems in classroom. We discuss what we understand as Creativity in the Mathematical Education, for which in such a way had contributions of Mathematical Educations theoreticians and the Creativity in the process of the learning. This study opted for a qualitative research that directed us to a necessary Participant Research in the conversations that will be always dialoguing with the pupils productions. Its about the analysis of protocols of which we have two great distinct categories that are presented: one shows the current creativity in the procedure of problems resolution, and the other one the creativity in the register of the child. Nine protocols had been analyzed by the criterions of newness and value inside of a specific mathematical community, the classroom. Such analysis objectifies to make to emerge the mental projects that can be revealing of unusual mathematical procedures in relation to the expectations of the educator. Thus, we had as analysis points, the present intuition in the resolution of the problem, the characteristics of the register of the child, the autonomy of the pupil and the perception of the teacher with relation to the creativity and the interest of the pupil for making mathematician. We had as proposal the valuation of the mental representations, the presented projects and the creative structures of thought that appear challengingly in the clandestine classrooms, many times in rough drafts and many extinguished times. Being so, we adopted a methodological line that allowed us to performer an active role in the observed facts and in the acquisition of the registers that had been analyzed here. This propitiated us a better understanding of the production of the citizens, as well as a reflection in the construction of a theory that gave us conditions of a good investigative work. As result, we conclude that the presence of the research had a contributive and participative reach of this community. We identify the creative children by means of the analysis of protocols of its productions, we understand and analyzed the Creativity in the resolution of mathematical problems. We learned that the Creativity in the Mathematical Education is about a set of strategies of problems resolution considered in didactic situation that own the newness character, is valued by the mathematical community and are produced by the child in a context of subjective actions and reflections, in a net of directions, understood in the zone of proximal development.


primary school educacao educação matemática séries iniciais criatividade mathematical education creativity

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