Analise de testes em ambiente Windows




A considerable progress has occurred in well test interpretations techniques in the last decade. At the same time, a large expansion in the access to computational resources has taken place through the advent of microcomputers. In the last years, the popularization of graphical interfaces for microcomputers introduced by Macintosh, Windows and OS/2, has modified the man-machine interaction and opened new ways to technologies which depend heavily on graphical resources. Well test interpretation is certainly a technology that carries the graphical dependence. The purpose of this work is to define and to develop a basic professional system applied to well test interpretation under a graphical environment. The data model and the system specification have been defined. Procedures for well test analysis of slug test data and tests for flowing wells have been implemented. The system includes type curves analysis, semilog analysis and automated type curve analysis. The system has been developed with a "C" compiler and under the Windows graphical environment


microsof windows (programa de computador) poços de petroleo engenharia do petroleo

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