AnÃlise do comportamento de compra dos empresÃrios lotÃricos da CAIXA: uma investigaÃÃo na rede de franquias da regiÃo metropolitana do Recife




This dissertation addresses the behavior of franchisee in the process of deciding to buy a franchise, treating it like a product. It tries to identify the motives and variables that influence the process of deciding to buy a franchise. The study is of the exploratory/descriptive type, in which qualitative and quantitative research was employed to achieve its objectives. As a first step, literature covering franchising and the purchase decision making process, in which the franchise is regarded as a product, was reviewed. To get and understanding of the franchiseeâs buying processes, 15 personal interviews were performed during the qualitative phase. During the quantitative stage 66 franchisees from the Recife metropolitan region were surveyed. By applying multivariate statistical techniques, the principal factors associated with the purchase making decision identified by this research were: âprice and "brandâ, âfulfillmentâ and âsecurityâ


rmr franchising caixa survey administracao franquia

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