Analise do comportamento de reservatorios submetidos a segregação gravitacional usando pseudo-funções




The main purpose of this work is to study the behavior of a solution - gas reservoir under a gas-cap drive during natural depletion. The physical system consists of a two-dimensional cylindrical reservoir, with a well at the center, producing from its lower portion. We consider the flow of oi! and gas in the presence of gravitacional effects. Capillary effects are negleted. Thé fluid behavior can be described by the Black-Oil model (13 - model). Results are generated from a commercial multipurpose reservoir simulator. Essentially, this work is similar the ones developed by Serra, Chen and Poston and Lima, but with more emphasys to gravity segregation in two-dimensional flow. Aspects of the behavior of reservoirs under gravity segregation are shown, with some analysis of the parameters which control the mecanism.Under certain conditions the use of pseudo-functions in the multiphase flow equations, give linear aspects similar to the solution of low compressibility liquid. Using these approaches and definitions and the type curve of Fetkovich, comparisions are made to obtaining reservoirs parameters, with and without the use of pseudo- functions


engenharia do petroleo campos petroliferos petroleo gas

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